Mission Statement

REACH - Research in Environment, Active aging, and Community Health

REACH has three main goals that make up the core of its mission:

To change the world one step at a time.

To do innovative, quality research that improves the health of older adults at risk for chronic disease.

We also seek to support the mission of the UCSD Department of Family Medicine and Public Health as well as the mission of the Center for Wireless and Population Health Systems.

Our collaborators come from the UCSD School of Medicine, UCSD’s Division of Social Sciences, Computer Science and Engineering,  the Jacobs School of Engineering, the San Diego Supercomputer Center and San Diego State University. Included are scientists with backgrounds in clinical and preventive medicine, computer science and engineering, social networks, political science, clinical and experimental psychology, electrical engineering, health behavior, systems science, behavioral genetics, exercise and nutrition science, public health, and evolutionary biology.

Health issues addressed in recent research include the promotion of physical activity in older adults, reduction in sedentary behavior, “i.e. sitting time”, and how environments impact our health.

Center research is supported through public and private sources, including the National Institutes of Health, the American Heart Association, the National Science Foundation and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation.

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